How Deirdre Tshien Uses Content Honey Traps to Drive More Listeners to Her Podcast

My Show Notes

In this episode, we chat with Deidre Tshien, the host of Grow My Podcast Show and the Founder & CEO of Capsho, an AI tool for creating podcast show notes.

We learn how Deidre grew her podcast using a tactic called content honey traps, which can help lead more potential listeners and customers down your lead funnel.

Deirdre Tshien - Grow My Podcast Show - Podcast Growth Hacks


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Podcast Growth Hacks Learned In This Episode

  • Leverage content honey traps
    • Create social content that piques curiosity
      • Share stories with cliffhangers
      • Share tips reveal things that DON’T work, to tease something that DOES work
    • Social posts take people to podcast
    • Content honey traps in podcast take people to show notes
    • Show notes take people to lead magnet
    • Lead magnets get people to enter your lead funnel and into your community
  • Don’t rely too much on audiograms to promote episodes
  • Leverage the trending content format for the specific social/discovery platform
    • Reels for Instagram, etc.
  • Content hacking
    • Copy content format from other successful posts, for your own niche/subject.
  • Podcast Show Notes Best Practices
    • Include the interview guest’s name in the episode and page title
    • Put the description high up on the page, and put a curiosity hook in the description
    • Put links and other resources below the description

Podcast Tools Mentioned In This Episode

Podcasts mentioned In This Episode

Capsho AI Show Notes

If you’re looking for successful podcast growth, then you need to check out this episode. We go through the solution of Content Honey Traps so that you can get the results you’re looking for.

“I was like, okay, how do I start creating curiosity? And through that process, we actually came up with what I call eight mental models of Context county traps.”

Deirdre Tshien is the host of Grow My Podcast Show and the founder and CEO of Cap Show. She has over 112 episodes of experience with podcasting and helping others grow their podcasts.

This is deirdre tshien’s story…

I started my podcast, The Growth Boss, to help ecommerce business owners grow their businesses. I quickly realized that I needed to find a way to get an ROI from my podcast if I wanted it to be more than a hobby. I decided to try to grow my audience and intentionally lead them from my social media to my podcast and then from my podcast to my show notes. I developed a strategy that I call Content Honey Traps which helps me to create curiosity and get people to take the next step in my lead funnel. I’ve found this strategy to be effective in growing my audience and converting them into fans of my podcast..

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How to intentionally create curiosity to get people to listen to your podcast episode
2. How to hack other people’s content to create your own
3. How to use the first five minutes of your podcast episode to lay a content honey trap

[Insert any lead magnet/CTA links from Guest here]

Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:00] – There are eight mental models of context county traps to create curiosity about the content of a service that is available to the user but no one really cares about it. So it’s useful to create a curiosity about it in order to create content that is interesting to people.

[00:00:28] – Deirdre Tshien is the founder and CEO of Cap Show, an AI tool for podcasters to automatically generate their podcast show notes. Deirdra hosted the Growth Boss podcast for 112 episodes, and now she’s the host of Grow My podcast show. Deidra’s show is called content, honey. Traps.

[00:01:42] – Bouncer started a podcast called The Growth Boss to help ecommerce business owners grow their businesses. He has been in entrepreneurship for a while. He started hospitality, grew those stores, pivoted technology, failed that fell into agency work and then transitioned to coaching.

[00:04:10] – When he first started his coaching business, he didn’t know how to grow a business. He joined a mastermind to learn how to do a coaching business. The strategy was all about running challenges to get leads and clients in the door. Russell Brunson is the co founder of Cliff on US. He is a big believer in publishing. This compelled him to start a podcast.

[00:05:22] – Russell is trying to grow his podcast and create an ROI on it. He has created eight mental models of content honey Traps to get people to listen to his podcast, he uses them in his grandma podcast show. He explains them in more detail in the show notes.

[00:09:18] – The first goal of content. Honeytrap’s strategy is to get people from social to their podcast. They used to do audiograms, but they’re not effective and they don’t stop the scroll. Videos used to work on places like Instagram, but now it’s real.

[00:11:56] – The main platform that I use is Instagram. I use a strategy that I call content hacking. I repurpose someone else’s content to create a high engaging piece of content for my ideal audience. I don’t like to copy content straight out of the blue.

[00:13:19] – When hacking, the first thing you need to do is create a visual and audio format. Then you create a content honey trap and a content hanging trap. Finally, you have to mention in the post description what you’re going to be putting in the show notes.

[00:17:39] – Everything is a trial and error for Growth Boss. Russell talked about Curiosity in the context of running Webinars in the Growth Boss podcast. This led to the development of a new strategy that works for the company and drives organic traffic to the podcast.

[00:18:30] – The Cliffhanger model is a good model for both stories and tips. Another example is the boxer, which is really about the pain point. It’s another way to emotionally get people to listen to a podcast. Cap recommends listening to the podcast and then going to the show notes.

[00:19:32] – Grow. My show podcast has grown from single digit listenership to 12000 downloads in a year. It’s the same strategy that you use for the growth boss. The podcast comes first. That’s where people discover you and where they spend time with you.

[00:23:52] – The primary call to action for Cap show is to join the free beta program for the podcast. The show, notes, is the place where the content honey traps are dropped to drive the audience to the show. Bonner and his co-founder Bonner failed their software business in New York and they decided to become delivery drivers.

[00:26:32] – Capture is a new podcast technology developed by Content Honey founder and CEO. It helps podcasters to create a high quality first draft of the title. Episode Description Show notes, social media caption, and personal email, as well as social media captions. It takes a couple of hours to write show notes for a podcast.

[00:29:43] – Show notes should be optimized for Google’s search engine capture is good at picking out the topic the keywords and using guest names for a title. Jarracada Houston runs the Sabbatic podcast, so she should be mentioned in the title. The description should be three sentences long. It doesn’t go grab it from other parts of the web or anything. Her buyer it tries to stick to what is shared in the episode. After this episode, he’s going to have to try your show and put the before and after on the show note.

[00:35:34] – The AI usually produces about three paragraphs long of information about the guests and three paragraphs about the episode. It will choose three things that the audience is going to learn from the episode, and then it goes to the guest bio, resource links and social media links. Capshio gives you some of the resources, but he would probably still augment more.

[00:37:25] – It’s in beta right now. There are close to 200 people who can apply to Be beta testers. The launch date is coming soon. Capitalcom will have a link in the show notes to let you know when it’s coming out. It will probably be in the next couple of weeks.

[00:38:39] – For content. Honey Traps the episode title is more important than the episode number. The episode number takes up valuable real estate, so it’s more important to reference the title in the bio to drive people to the content.

[00:39:32] – The final episode of the podcast ends with the ”quickfire five questions“ it’s only if the listener opts in to something right now. The lead. Magnet is capital Beta. For each episode, the author does a cheat sheet with the summary of what he’s taught and what his guest has taught.

[00:40:37] – According to him, the one podcast he recommends the most is “how I built this” it was the first ever podcast. He listened to it’s about 19 minutes to a couple of hours to edit the episode of his weekly podcast. He has a team of people who help him produce it.

[00:42:45] – Descript is a podcast editing tool that has made the editing process a lot easier for him. He uses it for his team’s podcast and for his solo episodes. He doesn’t use it for solo episodes as he’s recording directly into the script so he can edit as he goes.

[00:44:01] – Deadra recommends joining the beta program for captchocom and capshocom to get some good AI show notes. Deadra would like to hear from you if you have a podcast with questions you want to ask and she will respond to them on the next episode.

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